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1. 提出了电力系统安全性框架下并网电力电子变流器运行韧性分析与评估理论方法,丰富了高比例电力电子设备电力系统安全性评价方法,主持国家自然科学基金重点项目结题获评“优秀”。
2. 提出了新能源汇集接入和配电网中应用的大功率并网电力电子变流器稳定运行能力提升方法,建立了电网适应性试验平台,支撑了多项国家标准的制定和贯标。分获湖北省科技进步一等奖(2021)和中国电力科技进步一等奖(2020)。
3. 发明了多种多端口高压大功率级联多电平变换器结构,满足多源接入及多元用户应用场景的需求,获教育部技术发明二等奖(2017)。
4. 开展了电力电子化电力系统动态问题研究,主持了智能电网联合基金重大项目课题、国防973专题,参与科技部973、国家自然科学基金重大项目等多个项目研究,解决了舰船综合电力系统安全稳定性问题,获军队科技进步一等奖(2010)。
5. 开发了大功率高压变频器、高压SVG、有源电力滤波器、大功率测试电源等产品,并在湖北省内及省外企业进行了产业化推广,分获湖北省科技进步二等奖(2013)和湖北省技术发明二等奖(2005)。
6.构建了稳定高效无线能量传输系统架构,实现了无线能量传输系统效率最优和功率控制最优。先后主持了教育部联合基金(结题获评优秀)、国家重点研发计划子课题等国家级、行业内重点项目30 余项。

2. 《并联型有源电能质量治理设备性能检测规程》,GB/T35726-2017
3. 《低压有源电力滤波器技术规范》,DL/T 1796-2017
4. 《低压有源电力滤波器检测规程》,DL/T 2096-2019

[1] X. Zha, M. Huang, Y. Liu, and Z. Tian. An overview on safe operation of grid-connected converters from resilience perspective: Analysis and design[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2022, 143(6): 108511.
[2] X. Zha, Y. S. Liu, and M. Huang. Resilient power converter: a grid-connected converter with disturbance/attack resiliency via multi-timescale current limiting scheme[J]. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 2021, 11(1): 59-68.
[3] X. Zha, S. Liao, M. Huang and J. Sun. Dynamic aggregation modeling of grid-connected inverters using Hamilton's-action-based coherent equivalence[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 66(8): 6437-6448.
[4] 廖书寒, 查晓明, 黄萌, 孙建军, 胡伟. 适用于电力电子化电力系统的同调等值判据[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2018, 38(09): 2589-2598+2827.
[5] J. Zhao, M. Huang, H. Yan, C. K. Tse and X. Zha. Nonlinear and transient stability analysis of phase-locked loops in grid-connected converters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(1): 1018-1029. (ESI高被引)
[6] X. Fu, M. Huang*, C. K. Tse, J. Yang, Y. Ling, and X. Zha, "Synchronization stability of grid-following VSC considering interactions of inner current loop and parallel-connected converters," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, early access.
[7] Y. Zhuang, F. Liu, X. Zhang, Y. Huang, X. Zha, Z. Liu. Short-Circuit Fault-Tolerant Topology for Multiport Cascaded DC/DC Converter in Photovoltaic Power Generation System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(1): 549-561.
[8] 庄一展, 刘飞, 黄艳辉, 刁晓光, 黄文慧, 查晓明. 模块化串联光伏直流变换器的环形功率均衡拓扑及效率优化策略[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2022, 42(05): 1657-1669.
[9] Y. Liu, M. Huang, C. K. Tse, HHC Iu, Z. Yan, X. Zha. Stability and Multiconstraint Operating Region of Grid-Connected Modular Multilevel Converter Under Grid Phase Disturbance[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(11):12551-12554.
[10] Y. Zhuang, F. Liu, Y. Huang, S. Wang, M. Zha. A Multi-port DC Solid-state Transformer for MVDC Integration Interface of Multiple Distributed Energy Sources and DC Loads in Distribution Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 37(2):2283-2296.
[11] C. Cai, M. Saeedifard, J. Wang, P. Zhang, J. Zhao, Y. Hong, A Cost-Effective Segmented Dynamic Wireless Charging System With Stable Efficiency and Output Power, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 8682-8700. (ESI高被引)
[12] C. Cai, J. Wang, R. Liu, Z. Fang, P. Zhang, M. Long, M. Hu, Z. Lin, Resonant Wireless Charging System Design for 110 kV High Voltage Transmission Line Monitoring Equipment, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 4118-4129. (ESI高被引)
[13] Z. Fang, J. Wang, S. Duan, K. Liu, T. Cai, Control of an LLC Resonant Converter Using Load Feedback Linearization, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018, vol. 1, no. 33, pp. 887-898. (ESI高被引)
[14] Z. Dai, J. Wang, A Dual-Frequency WPT Based on Multilayer Self-Decoupled Compact Coil and Dual CLCL Hybrid Compensation Topology, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 13955-13965.
[15] J. Wang, S. Liu, S. Wang, Q. Liu, H. Liu, H. Zhou, J. Tang, Multiple Indicators-Based Health Diagnostics and Prognostics for Energy Storage Technologies Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Improved Multivariate Grey Model, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 12309-12320.


