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  • 邮       箱 meng.huang@whu.edu.cn
  • 办公地点新葡的京集团3512vip-首页4楼3412
  • 个人主页http://cgpes.whu.edu.cn/info/1004/1075.htm


黄萌,男,博士,新葡的京集团3512vip-首页副教授,博士生导师。于2006年和2008年获华中科技大学学士、硕士学位,2013年获香港理工大学博士学位。以第一或通信作者发表期刊论文40篇(ESI高被引论文1篇),授权中国发明专利7项。获省部级科技奖励3次,包括:2021年湖北省科技进步一等奖(排2)、2017年教育部技术发明二等奖(排4)等;论文获2020年CSEE JPES优秀论文奖、2016年IEEE TPEL最佳论文奖等。应邀担任IEEE期刊客座主编/副主编4次,任SCI国际期刊International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications编委,中文核心期刊《电源学报》编委,中国电源学会青工委、电力电子化电力系统与装备专委会副秘书长等。









[4]国家重点研发计划课题:高压大功率SiC IGBT器件串联技术和柔性直流换流阀功率模块应用验证,子课题负责人



[1] X. Zha,M. Huang*, Y. Liu, and Z. Tian, “An overview on safe operation of grid-connected converters from resilience perspective: Analysis and design,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 143, no. June, p. 108511, 2022.

[2] X. Fu,M. Huang*, S. Pan, and X. Zha, "Cascading synchronization instability in multi-VSC grid-connected system," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 7572-7576, July 2022.

[3] Y. Chen, S. Pan,M. Huang*, H. Wang, H. Wang, and X. Zha, "Robust stability assessment of single-phase inverter with multiparameter distributions," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 6062-6073, May 2022.

[4] M. Huang, H. Wang, L. Bai, K. Li, J. Bai, and X. Zha, "Overview of recent progress in condition monitoring for insulated gate bipolar transistor modules: detection, estimation, and prediction," High Voltage. 1– 11, 2021.

[5] X. Fu, J. Sun,M. Huang*, H. Yan, H. H. C. Iu, P. Hu, and X. Zha, "Large-signal stability of grid-forming and grid-following controls in voltage source converter: a comparative study," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 7832-7840, July 2021.

[6] J. Zhao,M. Huang*, H. Yan, C. K. Tse and X. Zha, “Nonlinear and transient stability analysis of phase-locked loops in grid-connected converters,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 1018-1029, Jan. 2021.(ESI top 1% Highly cited paper)

[7] X. Zha, Y. S. Liu, andM. Huang*, "Resilient power converter: a grid-connected converter with disturbance/attack resiliency via multi-timescale current limiting scheme," IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 59-68, March 2021.

[8] Y. S. Liu,M. Huang*, X. Zha and H. H. C. Iu, “Stability analysis of PLL influenced by control loop in grid-connected converters under fault disturbance,” CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 239-248, June 2020.

[9] X. Zha, S. Liao,M. Huang*and J. Sun, “Dynamic aggregation modeling of grid-connected inverters using Hamilton's-action-based coherent equivalence,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 8, pp. 6437-6448, Aug. 2019.

[10] M. Huang, Y. Peng, C. K. Tse, Y. Liu and X. Zha,“Bifurcation and large signal stability analysis of three-phase voltage-source converters under grid voltage dips,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 8868-8879, 2017.


[1] 2022年新葡的京集团3512vip-首页学术成果奖二等奖

[2] 2021年湖北省科技进步一等奖

[3] 2021年《电源学报》优秀论文奖

[4] 2021年《电力工程技术》十佳论文奖

[5] 2020年中国电机工程学会电力与能源系统学报(CSEE JPES)优秀论文奖

[6] 2017年教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果(技术发明)二等奖

[7] 2016年IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Best Paper Award, Second Place

职称 副教授 电话
邮箱 meng.huang@whu.edu.cn 办公地点 新葡的京集团3512vip-首页4楼3412
个人主页 http://cgpes.whu.edu.cn/info/1004/1075.htm